

Developing an integrated methodology that can be used for teaching, monitoring and assessment of the user-driven, eco-design, systems thinking and agile development skills and competences.


Sharing expertise contributes to improved teachers’ competence and teaching practices, and strengthens the structured, sustainable cooperation between partnering HEIs in developing various types of cooperation models and in sharing educational practices.


Green paradigm, Sustainability, Creativity, Innovation, problem-based design and much more.


This project objective promotes innovative, inter-connective practices within the teaching between the partner organizations.

Integral Methodology

The collaboratively developed, integral methodology in developing user-driven, sustainable (eco-) design and agile development, based on shared experiences and state-of the art knowledge.

Teaching Materials

Shared knowledge and teaching materials in bio-circular building materials and awareness creation on the climate change. The teaching material will include among others a MOOC on bio-circular building materials, sharing a database on biobased building materials and sharing of teaching materials and teaching practices on bio-circular economy.

Flexible And Dynamic Education

Developing of multidisciplinary education in collaboration with practitioners using agile and scrum methods. This project objective contributes to “Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices” by enhancing flexible and dynamic education. Promoting agile techniques and optimal use of virtually enhanced (blended) teaching is fitting to innovative and fast developing educational culture.

Collaborative Teaching

Best practice in virtually enabled facility sharing and development of collaborative teaching between the partners. This project objective promotes innovative, inter-connective practices within the teaching between the partner organisations and with the relevant practice as well as enhances inclusive education by provides opportunities for remote, part-time and life-long learning

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